Personal Moving Guide

4 Weeks Before Moving
- Tour your house including the attic, garage, storage shed to decide which items should be discarded or donated to charity. Consider a garage sale.
- Contact your Premiere Moving Consultant to request an accurate estimate of your moving charges.
- Begin to use up frozen food and staples. Buy only what will be used before moving. It’s not advisable to move frozen goods on the moving van over long distances.
- Make your travel reservations for the trip – airline, hotel, rental car.
- Arrange for transfer of records. ie: school, medical, vet, etc.
3 Weeks Before Moving
- Arrange for transportation of pets, including kennels. Check with your veterinarian.
- Start preparing your plants for the move. Refer to the plant brochure from your Premiere Moving Consultant.
- Return library books, DVD rentals and other borrowed items. Collect items lent or out for repair.
- Dispose of flammables – paint, matches, pressure cans, cleaning fluids, etc.
- Notify post office, mail order accounts, etc. of your pending change of address.
2 Weeks Before Moving
- Draw up a floor plan of your new home and indicate furniture placement. It makes moving in twice as easy.
- Set a date with a reliable service firm to prepare your appliances – washer, dryer, etc. for moving. Check with your Premiere Moving Consultant for their recommendations.
- Start packing if you have planned to do some of it yourself. Refer to the packing brochure from your Premiere Moving Consultant.
- Arrange a babysitter for moving day.
- Contact utilities and delivery services to discontinue services.
1 Week Before Moving
- Prepare for the car trip. Finish packing all suitcases and basic essentials. Carry valuable documents, currency, jewellery with you.
- Drain water from garden hoses and oil/fuel from lawn mower and other machinery.
- Defrost and wipe dry fridge and freezer. Don’t overlook the defrost water pan.
- Take down curtain rods, shelves, or any items attached to walls. Dismantle large power tools such as lathes, grinders, etc.
- Confirm that you have important papers, keys, medications and plane tickets and appropriate clothing with you for your trip.
Packing Day
Have a clear workspace available for packers. Point out: (a) fragile valuable items; (b) items you will be taking with you; (c) anything to be left for new owners.
Moving Day (Out)
Tour house with the driver during the inventory listing, sign Bill of Lading, confirm new address and delivery date. Be sure to check destination contact phone numbers. Do final check for overlooked items. Make certain windows and doors are locked, utilities are discontinued or turned off, keys transferred and lights out. Arrange to have your payment ready. Premiere Van Lines accepts a variety of payment options: Visa, MC, Certified Cheque, Bank Draft, Money Order or Cash.
Moving Day (In)
It is a good idea to be at your new home a day ahead of the moving van to verify utilities are connected and the floor plan is correct. Check items off the inventory as unloaded. Make arrangements for installation of appliances. Confirm unpacking requirements.